Saturday, 7 January 2012

Pre-trip briefing

I have returned from the WaterAid pre-trip briefing day slightly nervous of the tasks ahead. Not just the trip and all the inevitable challenges that will bring, but also the challenge of spreading the word about the amazing work that charity does on my return. Maybe I am setting my own personal targets too high with all the ideas and possibilities buzzing around my mind, but only time will tell.
I have now met my 15 other companions who range from WaterAid employees to those also involved in the water industry. We are all equally as apprehensive about the trip, a trip that will surely bond us all together forever through this unique experience.

Having seen video footage from the country itself and film from previous trips, I am in no doubt this is going to be one of the hardest weeks of my life emotionally, but I will be stronger for it.

Below is a video explaining WaterAid's work in Zambia:

One big thing I have taken from today is the work WaterAid does in developing countries really does make a difference. Having supported the charity in a number of ways for a couple of years now I have always known it, but my eyes to the charity’s work have been opened even further now.

A statement I heard from a Supporter who previously went on one of these trips will stay with me forever:

Before WaterAid people in these communities just existed, after WaterAid they are now living.

I think that singular statement says everything you need to know about this amazing charity.

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