Thursday 26 January 2012

Taste of Zambia - Tongabazi Chicken Curry

Since I was invited to apply to go to Zambia with WaterAid, I have been researching the country to get an idea of the people and culture, some of that researched I’ve posted on this blog, others I haven’t...yet...

Part of that research took me in the direction of food (a subject that’s never too far from my mind), so over the next few days I thought I’d share some typical Zambian dishes I have come across.

(South East Water colleagues, you may get the opportunity to try these for yourself in a couple of weeks!)

Tongabazi Chicken Curry

This is a classic chicken curry with butternut squash and sweet potatoes.


2 sweet potatoes
4 large chicken pieces
1 butternut squash, peeled and diced
2 tomatoes, blanched, skinned and diced
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
2 tbsp grated ginger
5 cardamom seeds, crushed
2 onions, finely chopped
Vegetable oil for frying
1 tsp curry powder
450ml chicken stock
2 salks lemongrass, bruised
2 small red chillies, finely chopped
300ml yoghurt
Salt and black pepper to taste
1 tbsp finely chopped coriander


  • Add the sweet potatoes to boiling water and boil for 10 mins then cut into thin slices
  • Season the chicken with salt and pepper and fry in the vegetable oil until golden brown then remove the chicken from the frying pan and place on the side
  • Fry the on ions until golden brown then add the tomatoes, garlic, ginger, cardamom and curry power and cook for a few minutes.
  • Return the chicken to the frying pan and add the stock and lemongrass.
  • Cover and simmer for 10 minutes

  • Meanwhile fry the sweet potato and butter in a separate pan over a medium heat until they are crisp on the outside then add to chicken pan
  • Add chillies to the chicken pan and cook for a further two minutes before sturring in the yoghurt and heating through (do not allow to boil).

Recipe taken from

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