Sunday 5 February 2012

The countdown continues...

In exactly seven days time I will be en route to Heathrow for the start of this adventure.

With the snowfall that’s just engulfed the UK, Zambia seems as far away as it did in November when I found out I had been selected to make the trip.

We have also been sent the itinerary for the visit, which at the same time has also made it all seem very real.

It’s going to be an extremely intense week where we will visit both rural villages and high density urban slums which have no water or sanitation, WaterAid projects which are under construction and villages which have had WaterAid’s help.

I hope this will give me a big insight into the work the charity undertakes and the difference it can make to the lives of those who live in these villages or urban areas.

Tomorrow I have my last round of jabs and then later in the week the packing begins!

Time is ticking very fast indeed!

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