Saturday 25 February 2012

A week on

It's crazy to think that a week ago today we were travelling back from Monze bound for Lusaka. At this point we had no idea what we would face in the afternoon in Ngo'mbe settlement and how it would affect us all.

The first day back at work on Tuesday was tough, I found the whole experience difficult to talk about and every time I tried the emotion would start flooding back. As the week has gone on however, it has become easier to talk about although I'm still finding it difficult to put the experience into words.

Although this week has been a very busy one, Zambia and the experiences I had and the people I met are never far from my mind, especially the young girl in Ngo'mbe.

Although we only spent a week together (and what a week it was) I am also missing my fellow supporters, we all share this unique experience which very few can understand. I hope we all keep in contact and I'm already looking forward to our de-briefing day in March at the WaterAid offices.

I have also been thinking of further, interesting and slightly unusual ways of raising money for WaterAid and using my experience to get more people involved with the charity. One idea, which I thought was a bit of a long shot, may infact happen!

In the meantime, training begins again in earnest for the Paddock Wood half marathon which is little over a month away. If you would like to sponsor me:

Once again, Twalumba kapatch (thank you very much) for reading this blog

P.S. I promise photos will follow soon

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