Tuesday 7 February 2012

The countdown continues!

With just five days left to go before take-off I have had my last injections and I'm looking to start the course of Malaria tablets in a few days.

With the countdown clock gradually speeding up (or so it seems), there’s only the small matter of packing left for me to do.

Despite the headlines in some national newspapers, I have my fingers crossed that there will be no further snowfall this weekend (living in the countryside saw me snowed in for a day or so at the weekend) and the plane will take off from Heathrow as planned.

This Thursday we are having a Zambia day at South East Water’s head office, which will give staff members the chance to taste a bit of Zambian curry while raising a few essential pounds for WaterAid.

Also, I must embark on one last training run before I head off, but with temperatures refusing to rise above freezing I have been extremely reluctant, I don’t want to slip on any ice (ahem)!

If you would like to give me that extra boost I need to get my trainers and high-vis running vest on, then please sponsor me by clicking here

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