Sunday 12 February 2012

Departure day is finally here!

Well, here we go!

I am currently packing my last few bits before I begin the journey to Heathrow in an hour or so.
Those who know me well know that the apprehension and nerves of this week long experience have been creeping up on me over the past 48 hours or so (also sadness that I will be away from my husband for the longest time in nine years – sorry, yes, soppy I know).

Friends and family members who have been reading this blog have gone on to conduct their own research into WaterAid and consider it as a charity they will support in the future. That is truly amazing and I know they will be with me on this journey.
Don’t be concerned if you don’t hear from me in a while, internet connection until Saturday is likely to be very poor, however I will Tweet (@WAsupporter) and update this blog whenever I can.

Right, I had better gather my last bits together.
Until next time...!

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