Thursday 9 February 2012

Scrummy curry!

To raise awareness (and a few pennies) about the trip a special Zambian curry was served up in the South East Water Deli today.

Not having held a culinary event like this in the past to raise money for WaterAid I was unsure how it would be received and whether anyone would fancy trying something a bit different, but it went down a storm!

Two batches were created and within 45 minutes it was sold out!

Serving up the curry in the Deli with Trevor who deserves a special thank you for his culinary skills and being extremely supportive of the idea. Without him, this day would not have been possible.

In the end we raised £23, not a huge amount but it was a great start and has paved the way for future, larger events like this.

It has also been a fantastic way to raise awareness of the visit as I have had a lot of people coming to me asking about the trip, why I’m going and what I am going to see out there.

Hopefully when I return I can keep the momentum up and encourage many of my colleagues to get involved with the charity in the future.

If you would like to try the Tongabazi chicken curry yourself, click here.

Making the news

Since issuing the press release articles about the trip have begun appearing in the local news! Click here to read the This is Kent article.

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